Student Support

Personal Development

As part of the Personal Development curriculum we aim to provide students with a broad and balanced curriculum that reflects diverse cultural perspectives, enriching their cultural awareness and understanding. This is delivered not only through the offsite Enrichment Activities, (which all students receive on a weekly basis), but also as part of their weekly PSHCE, Forest Skills and Personal Development lessons. We aim to promote equity and inclusion through the valuing and celebrating of diverse cultural backgrounds, while developing a deeper understanding of the world around them.

Sitting alongside these activities we have recently introduced The Six Strands Curriculum. This is a tool which aims to equip students with the skills, attitudes, behaviours and characteristics to help deal positively with the many and varied social and emotional contexts and challenges they will encounter in the future. At the core of the curriculum sit the six key ‘Strands’: boundaries, resilience, focus, respect, self-regulation, and independence. It is a graduated pathway moving from physiological need through to Accept Me/Accept Myself self-actualisation. Progressing to the far end of the pathway ensures that students are sufficiently equipped to face a range of challenges that may occur in their future life.

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Student Support

The Student Support Team provides additional support to students and their families at an early stage.

We hope that this will help our community to engage more easily with help and support from staff with whom they have positive relationships.

The Student Support Team meets weekly to discuss what help can be offered to students or their family referred to us and a plan of support is created and offered.

The team is able to provide:

  • Family support
  • Family meetings e.g. to discuss family relationships and find solutions
  • Parent/carer coffee mornings – support and share time for parents/carers and family members
  • CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service) referrals
  • Support and consultation to staff groups​
  • 1:1 support both in and out of the classroom
  • 1:1 mentoring via our in-house referral system

Tutor Teams

At Prospect School we ensure consistency and stability within each students tutor team. We currently have eleven groups. The boys start their day with their tutor team giving them time to settle into being at school and address any concerns they may have.  Tutor teams meet two further times each day to check in and help support each student throughout the day. Your child’s tutor team will be your main point of contact with the school.

Our tutor teams provide weekly support to students through PSCHE lessons, enrichment activities, and personal development sessions.

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